Round 2 Week 10 Sunday

Remember Wednesday when I talked about The End really being a beginning of sorts?  All that editing, marketing, and design …

Those things could be your next priority, but what about those of you who are ready to embark on a whole new ROW80 adventure? How do you see your Round3 starting—with a B.A.N.G. or a slow meandering exploration of possibilities?

Why not both?

The acronym above comes from author and writing coach Jill Dearman as part of her “Bang the Keys” workshop (archive is available on iTunes).

Inspired by Toric legend in which the mystical combination of four Hebrew letters: Yud י, Hei ה, Vav ו, and Hei ה) contain the steps of creation — B. A. N. G. stands for:

  • B is for Begin with your strongest idea.
  • A is for Arrange your material into a concrete form.
  • N is for nurture your project with love, so that others may love it too.
  • G is for complete it, and let it GO out into the world to live independently.

You can get a mini-example of the process here:

Looked like a fun workshop, and the idea of banging on the keys sounds kind of fun and playful…  just the right thing to inspire new words and ideas.  I found about this by reading an old copy of The Writer (July 2009), but the date doesn’t matter…  I think Ms. Dearman was on to something here.

What steps do you follow to reach your creative place as a writer?

Oh…  and before I forget, here is your linky:  Hope to hear great things from you.  🙂

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