Beth Camp attended eight high schools and as many colleges on the west coast of the U.S. She’s worked as an international banker, an English teacher, and, now retired, writes historical fiction and poetry.
A love of international travel and the industrial revolution led her to Scotland to research settings for Standing Stones (January 2014), an award winner in Pacific Northwest Writers Association’s 2010 literary contest. Years of Stone (June 2014) continues the McDonnell family story in 19th Century Australia. A strong advocate of self-publishing, Beth is currently researching Rivers of Stone, set in Canada and the Pacific Northwest, with a trip across Canada planned for summer 2015. Her books typically take three years to complete.
As an older-than-average writer, Beth balances writing with quilting, and never quite has enough time to travel. Her advice to writers? “Follow your own voice, and persevere. Every small act of drafting or revising takes you closer to achieving your dreams and reaching your goals.”
Beth’s books are available on Amazon:
Twitter: @bluebethley